McNair Scholars taking a group picture in front of the reflection pond.

Academic Advancement Programs

Academic Advancement Programs (AAP) prepares first generation, Pell-eligible, and underrepresented college students to pursue advanced degrees. AAP works in collaboration with faculty, staff, national, and international partners to provide a range of graduate school preparation programs and services. Students have the opportunity to participate in a variety of initiatives designed to increase their awareness and knowledge of the graduate school application process, graduate school funding, summer research programs, and fellowship opportunities.


NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Recipients have participated 
in AAP Programs


Funded Scholars participating 
in AAP Programs


Of McNair Scholars have enrolled
in post baccalaureate
programs since 2003

Considering Graduate School?


Ph.D. bound? Embrace his legacy.
Create your own.


Prepare for Graduate School
while conducting research.

Pre-Grad Peer Advising

Are you interested in Graduate School
and want to learn next steps?

AAP Students

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